They only wear helmets in matches, and apparently then just for show, as evidenced when one girl is unsaddled. However, since these are wonderful magic~ horses who defrock anything in a skirt, things go just peachy for Mio. Jousting is very dangerous even when you wear a helmet, which a good many people here don’t usually bother with. In the worst-case scenario, she breaks her neck when she falls. Three: Mio leans too far back and to the left while trying to balance the weight of the lance, so she falls off and becomes the school laughingstock. Two: the weight of the lance pulls Mio off balance until she falls off and becomes the school laughingstock. Sakura will run away with her, right past their opponent, and Mio won’t be able to get her to stop because everything she does tells her to go faster. One: Mio makes the common beginner’s mistake of squeezing with her calves to stay on when the horse starts moving, which tells the horse to go faster. There are other scenarios equally likely. The best case scenario, given the situation, is that the horse Mio borrows stands still and doesn’t listen to a thing she says, while everyone else in the school laughs at her. The type of horses that would be used for jousting are much more strong-willed than beginner’s horses. Horses have a mind of their own, in addition to the rider having to learn how to signal to them where to go.

Even inanimate modes of transportation, such as bicycles, motorcycles, or cars, require a lot of practice before you can comfortably use them. Mio’s friend spends the next episode teaching her how to manage a lance, but she almost never gets on a horse until the day of the match. For example, the main character, Mio, who’s never even touched a horse before in her life, is challenged to a joust by a more experienced girl.

I kept watching because of a sick fascination of everything they get horribly wrong. the horrible saddle sores they must have – especially the girl who jousts in lingerie. Most don’t, however, which means it’s a miracle any of these girls can walk upright, given A few girls, such as the student council president, wear what look like tights but are hopefully sturdy leggings to protect their legs. While that could have been excused as an artistic choice to make the opening look nice, it’s the same in the episode itself. The hope of an anime accurately portraying girls learning to joust crashed to the ground the instant i saw the opening theme, which shows them all riding in miniskirts. I first started Walkure Romanze because of a longtime love of knights and horses.